Hi, my name is E.N. Vessuri, thank you for visiting the site.

If you are a manager, an executive, or a small business owner, this is your place to be. The idea of the site is to help YOU to get to your full potential, achieve your best results, increase your income and your assets, but without losing control of your life.

That doesn’t mean that I have all my ducks in a row, nor that I have every answer to every question. You know, I’m a member of the X generation, so I know a thing or two about focusing a lot on your job and missing the important things in life. And believe me, that’s not where you want to be.

So the idea with this site is to share with you some of the things that helped me improve my results, some of the pitfalls you better try to avoid, and some of the tools of the trade that will help you be more productive, so you can get more outputs with fewer inputs.

What problems do managers face?

I’ve made my way into two big multinational companies, getting into high-responsibility roles (more on this later). Talking to my colleagues, I found out that most of the time we all fall into the same trap, that stresses and overwhelms managers and small business owners.

I talk about the things that all people that get to responsibility positions feel and get preoccupied about in the workplace:

  • Goals and tasks overload (many times, self-imposed ones!)
  • An unmanageable number of meetings that make us lose control of our day.
  • Staff issues, people that don’t know how to (or don’t want to) take responsibility for the tasks that we believe they should.
  • Conflicts with other areas within the company
  • Problems with customers, or with our suppliers
  • Lack of time!!!

This lack of time ends up somehow affecting our personal lives. We work longer hours, we take our work or our problems home, and this depletes our energy and sometimes diminishes our self-confidence.

This doesn’t necessarily have to be this way. You might learn how to manage things (and yourself) better, so you get better results and enjoy more of your life.

There was a famous boxer in my home country, Argentina, that had a nice phrase that I’ll try to translate here: “Experience is a comb you receive after you get bald”.

I’ll try to lend you the comb while you still have some hairs on your head!

A little more about me

As I have already slipped, I’m from Argentina, where I happily live with my wife, three older sons that are already leaving the nest so they come and go, one ten-year-old kid, three dogs, and a cat. So I have plenty of things to think about aside from my job!

By the time I write these lines, I’m 53 years old, an age where you have a lot of experience in some things, but you still have a lot to learn. Maybe that’s an attitude. Some people believe they know it all, and some people believe they still have a lot to learn. I try to balance the two positions because learning is a lovely thing to do.

My wife is a natural-born entrepreneur, who has created a couple of successful businesses and from whom I always learn something new every day.

As a good Argentinean, I love football (or futbol, as we call it!). Messi’s futbol, not Brady’s football (by the way, I like American Football too…). But if you had to define me by a sport, that would be tennis. And if we talk about hobbies, reading (especially comics!) and watching movies would be on top of the list.

My education

I’ve studied Industrial Engineering at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, in a building any tourist in Buenos Aires mistakes for a church. Some years later, I did a Master of Business Administration at IDEA, also here in Buenos Aires.

I went through many courses on Negotiation, Business Management, and different business aspects in Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, and even at Vlerick University, in Belgium.

I made training on how to be the spokesperson for a company. Heck, I even made a course on Stand Up comedy, and I even did some presentations for around 100 people… it’s great to make people laugh, but it’s one of the most personally engaging things I did!

I’m passionate about marketing, communications, and digital businesses. I love to develop business models, analyze them, and work on how to grow them. Since 2019 I’ve been learning how to produce websites, funnels, SEO, online shops, and a lot of other interesting stuff that I love to put into practice.

My work experience

My first job was at a high school, working with groups of teenagers just a couple of years younger than me. I always mention this job, because simple as it looks, it helped me a lot to build my personality. I was a shy boy when I started on the job, and getting to manage groups of 15-year-old teenagers shaped the way I conducted myself in my work environments.

I started working for multinational companies in 1994. I worked my way up the ladder in two great companies such as Ford Motor Company and Honda Motors. In both companies, I reached national executive positions, leading Aftersales and Sales areas.

I managed small teams of 5 to 10 people, and bigger teams of around 70 people. I worked the commercial side of the business, managing the distributors’ network, setting prices, planning and launching products, and analyzing the competition. And I also had to manage more operational issues, like dealing with difficult customers, launching service recalls, and managing the spare parts operations.

I gave interviews to the press to introduce products and businesses and even gave presentations to audiences of hundreds of journalists while launching local Motorshows.

I worked with regional and global offices in America, Europe, and Japan. I had to give good news and bad news. I traveled to three continents while fulfilling my duties.

I had to deal with complicated bosses, learn to manage heterogeneous structures, and insert myself into them. I had to pay my dues in many jobs, had to fight organizational reductions and crises, and I have to put my face and my body on things that I liked, and some others I didn’t like so much… you name the problem, I think I went through it.

You might say that, even when my academic formative years were my 20s and my 30s, I learned how to be a manager after my 40s. That’s part of what I want to share with you on this site.

My purpose at ENVessuri.com

Many times I had to work late hours at the office to finish things I had to present on the next day, or take work home and stress myself. Many times I felt I lost control of my life because I couldn’t balance I should my personal and my professional lives.

I want to share with you the tools, experiences, and techniques that helped me and other executives and entrepreneurs to keep growing in our jobs. To release time and tension. To get better results on our jobs, while recovering time on our lives to make the things we want to do. The things that give us more pleasure, be it personal or professional.

We may sometimes review concepts you have learned in your professional studies, I don’t pretend to replace education that you already bring with you. What I want is to walk along with you to help you go deeper on some concepts that will help you get more and better results. Concepts helped me and other successful people to advance in our careers and live a better life.

This is the birth of a project. And projects are always dynamic, they have their own life, which is given by the ones that dream about them, and the ones that take part in them.

That’s why I’d love you actively participate in this project, sharing your experiences and your life stories, both professional and personal. Because I believe that all of them may help our community of people that dream of getting better results, but without losing our lives and our identities in the process.

I’ll do my best to help you on that path.

If you want to share your experiences with me, or would want some professional consultation, to grow your career or your business, don’t hesitate to contact me at esteban@envessuri.com

Best of the best to you all!

E. N. Vessuri